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Wealth Item FUBAR

My wealth items have changed: my library says it's a house, my castle says it's a village, my cat says it's a dog. If I had wanted a house, I would have purchased a house, not a library. If I had wanted a village, I would have purchased a village. If I had wanted a dog, I would have purchased a dog.

Random things changing is bad and no fun. I would like to have the things I purchased, not things the system randomly substituted

This part seems to have been resolved:
I spent several weeks creating my entire set of gear, and now only two of the twelve items remain. Most of the items have been replaced with far inferior, and wretched hideous, items. Where are my items? It's as if they simply don't exist anymore. I want them back. I don't think I should have to pay to make them again.

Aerten, 12.03.2013, 10:46
Idea status: under consideration


Aerten, 23.03.2013, 13:23
Hello, still don't want this village, I want my castle. I don't want this house, I want my library. I sure as heck don't want this dog as I have allergies against them... I WANT MY CAT. I'll even draw you a picture of my cat to use. Why is this so hard????
Aerten, 10.04.2013, 23:28
Ok. Thank you. I have my cat back. Looks like it got run over and spray painted pink, but... ok.

What about my library and my castle? I don't WANT a house. I want a library. I don't WANT a village. I want a castle.

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