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Have the to be equipped item type slot more bold

I'm not good at wording things sorry for the weird sounding title if it sounds weird???

You know how when you try to equip items on the character/hero page, you click and drag the item into the correct slot? I have a lot of trouble distinguishing which item goes where. I know it gets outlined with a red square but sometimes it's so faint it takes a long time to do so. I haven't played long enough to memorize which slots the rings, shoulder, and legging items belong.

Maybe instead of a red outline (it sort of blends in with the brown background anyway) we change it to something different? Perhaps like a semi-transparent white or black? I personally think it would look really nice if as you started dragging an item, the slots that you CAN equip an item onto stay the same while all the other slots that you can't equip them onto (wrong item type for example) turn to a semi-transparent black?

I apologize in advance if this was difficult to understand.

Bibi , 03.03.2013, 16:36
Idea status: under consideration


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