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Change our Tweeria avatar

When we sign up for Tweeria, it takes our Twitter avatar and saves it permanently as our Tweeria avatar. However, people constantly change their Twitter avatar, for different reasons. For example, my Tweeria avatar is Christmas-related because my Twitter avatar was Christmas related, but now that the holidays have passed I can't change my Tweeria avatar to something else.

I'm suggesting that we either have the ability to set our own Tweeria avatar (via direct image link) or have our Tweeria avatar automatically update every day or two to synchronize with our Twitter avatar.

SlyCooperFan1 , 18.01.2013, 00:20
Idea status: completed


Nosynq, 20.01.2013, 05:20
I believe you just need to log out and login again. All twitter related setting (avatar, local time, etc) will be updated in the Tweeria then.
SlyCooperFan1, 20.01.2013, 05:21
Just attempted. Didn't work.
tweeria, 20.01.2013, 09:10
We fixed it. You just need to log out and login again. Your username will also update
SlyCooperFan1, 20.01.2013, 15:34
Thanks, works now! :D

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